Vol. 11, Special Issue 6 (2022)
An overview on etiopathogenesis of canine pyometra and its management
Hitesh K Bagri, Manoj Sharma, Manisha Sethi, Nadeem Shah, Anusmita Baishya, Pratyush Kumar, Mukesh Bhakat and Tushar K Mohanty
Pyometra (pus in the uterus) is a common disease entity in intact female dogs during the luteal phase. Progesterone appears to be a crucial component in the pathogenesis of pyometra. Pyometra in canines results from hormonal imbalance; sequelae of cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Although the etiopathology of its primary aspect is unknown; however, the intact bitches experience hormonally mediated alterations in the endometrium as a result of recurrent and sustained estrogen responses followed by extensive intervals of progesterone dominance. When the endometrium is damaged by bacterial invasion, alterations in endometrial steroid receptors can cause pyometra.
How to cite this article:
Hitesh K Bagri, Manoj Sharma, Manisha Sethi, Nadeem Shah, Anusmita Baishya, Pratyush Kumar, Mukesh Bhakat and Tushar K Mohanty. An overview on etiopathogenesis of canine pyometra and its management. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1184-1188.