Techno-economics study of scheffler solar concentrator based cooking system for elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus spp.)
Vishal R Birwatkar, Yashwant Khandetod, Atul Mohod, Prashant Shahare and Somnath Sonawane
In present scenario solar energy had wide scope in solar thermal sector, as prices of conventional fuels are increasing day by day. Hence, in present experiment steam generation system based on scheffler solar concentrator for cooking of Elephant Foot Yam was design and developed. similarly, over solar cooking traditional cooking test was carried out for Elephant Foot Yam using (Acacia wood) and kerosene as fuel source. The specific fuel consumption of Elephant Foot Yam was 0.17 kg/kg when (Acacia wood) was used and 0.0675kg/kg when kerosene was used. Similarly, time spent to cook per kg of Elephant Foot Yam was 40.34min/kg for biomass (Acacia wood) fuel and 30.36 min/kg for kerosene fuel.Results showed that over conventional cooking, presently developed solar concentrator-based steam generation system could saves fuel and time for cooking of yam. During techno economics study, results revealed that the net present value of developed solar based steam generation system for Elephant Foot Yam was Rs. 269541.5. Benefit-Cost ratio of steam generation unit for Elephant Foot Yam was 1.33. The payback period of solar steam generation unit for Elephant Foot Yam processing was found to be 1 year 5 months.
How to cite this article:
Vishal R Birwatkar, Yashwant Khandetod, Atul Mohod, Prashant Shahare and Somnath Sonawane. Techno-economics study of scheffler solar concentrator based cooking system for elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus spp.). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1025-1029.