Chylothorax in a non-descript dog: A case report
Sundararajan RC, Pavithra Pugal, K Gopal, S Kokila, V Vijayanand, M Balagangatharathilagar and E Madhesh
A three-year-old female non-descript dog was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex with a history of abnormal breathing pattern for the past 2 weeks. Clinical examination revealed lateral recumbent posture, dyspnoea, paroxysmal breathing and an abducted gait. Thoracic radiography revealed pleural effusion. Thoracic Ultrasonography revealed severe thoracic effusion. Needle thoracocentesis revealed white to pink coloured fluid and evacuated the pleural fluid intermittently. Pleural effusion analysis revealed elevated total proteins and triglycerides. Cytology of effusion revealed carcinoma. Hence, the case was diagnosed as chylothorax. The case was managed with intermittent pleural evacuation, fluids, antibiotics, steroids and antihistamines. The details of the case will be discussed.
How to cite this article:
Sundararajan RC, Pavithra Pugal, K Gopal, S Kokila, V Vijayanand, M Balagangatharathilagar and E Madhesh. Chylothorax in a non-descript dog: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 514-516.