Production profitability and constraints analysis of soybean production in Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh, India: Micro perspective
Shiva Pujan Sigh, Satyam Nema, Amlendu Kumar, Janmejay Kumar, Md. Minnatullah and Nasim Ahmad
Abstract:Objectives: The main purpose of the present study to examines the costs and returns of soybean production on different size of farms and constraints analysis of soybean farming in at Ujjain district in Madhya Pradesh India.
Methods: The study was confined to sample of 120 soybean farmers selected from the four villages of two selected blocks of Ujjain districts. The primary data were collected form the respondent with the help of pre-tested schedule during the year 2019-20. Simple tabular analysis and garrets ranking technique were used to analysis the data.
Findings: The study found that an average soybean cultivating farmers in the study area spent of the total variable cost, 26.26 per cent on hired human labour, followed by 23.78 per cent on plant protection on ensure, 18 per cent on machine seed cost, 13.14 per cent on mealier cost and 13.04 per cent on fertilizer cost, realized a net return per hectare Rs. 39411.64 with B: C ratio (2.64) on overall farms. This might be due to the fact that benefit of economics of scale has reached its maximum only at the medium size farms. The unavailability of labour during crucial period with 59.78% mean garrets’s score has been reported the major production constraints by the soybean growers. Therefore the study suggested that the government may take concerted initiatives in the regards to provide credit facilities in term of short-terms loan to the farms.
How to cite this article:
Shiva Pujan Sigh, Satyam Nema, Amlendu Kumar, Janmejay Kumar, Md. Minnatullah and Nasim Ahmad. Production profitability and constraints analysis of soybean production in Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh, India: Micro perspective. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 499-502.