Maladies and remedies in farmers’ interest groups expressed by farmers in Bangalore urban district of Karnataka
Puneeth Raja R, Shivamurthy M and Manjuprakash
Farmers Interest Group (FIG) is self-managed, independent group of farmers with a shared goal and interest. The members work together to achieve the goal by pooling their existing resources, gaining better access to resources and to share in the resulting benefits. The present study was undertaken to document the maladies faced by the members of FIGs and to seek their Remedies to overcome them in Anekal taluk of Bengaluru urban district during 2019-20. In total 120 respondents were considered for the study and personal interview method was adopted for collection of data. The data was analysed using frequency and percentage analysis. The results of the study revealed that, inefficient market linkages (99.10%), extension staff do not visit farmer’s field (97.50%), inefficient management of the FIG (85.83%), Difference of opinion among the members of the FIG while taking the important decisions (67.50%) were the major maladies expressed by members. Regular visits of Extension staff to the farmers’ fields (99.10%), Adequate quantity of inputs be made available to all the members (98.33%), FIG should function efficiently by ensuring the coordination among the members of FIG (97.50%) and Subsidy should be given to all the farm inputs (95.83%) were the Remedies to overcome the maladies.
How to cite this article:
Puneeth Raja R, Shivamurthy M and Manjuprakash. Maladies and remedies in farmers’ interest groups expressed by farmers in Bangalore urban district of Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 491-494.