An economic analysis of the production of mulberry silkworm cocoons and production constraints faced by farmers in the Kolar district of Karnataka
Soundarya SR, Birendra Kumar and Singh RK
The present study was conducted in the Kolar district of Karnataka through a well-structured survey during 2019-2020 in the view to assess the economics of the production of mulberry silkworm cocoons. The multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select taluk, villages, and farmers with a sample size of 60 farmers. The total cost of cocoon production was accounted for ₹33724 per 100 Disease Free Layings (DFLs), of which ₹31172 (92.43%) was incurred on variable costs and ₹2552 (7.57%) on fixed costs. Out of the total cost, the expenditure on mulberry leaves (48.16%) formed the major component followed by the cost of human labour (21.69%). The yield obtained by farmers was 100 kg per 100 DFLs. The net income obtained by farmers was accounted for ₹14438/100 DFLs with a gross income of ₹48162/ 100DFLs. The major constraints were the incidence of pests and diseases, lack of skilled labour, and temperature fluctuations.
How to cite this article:
Soundarya SR, Birendra Kumar and Singh RK. An economic analysis of the production of mulberry silkworm cocoons and production constraints faced by farmers in the Kolar district of Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 267-270.