Studies on irrigation water quality of Chakur Tahsil of Latur district
PR Salunke, Dr. PB Adsul, BS More, US Mutkule and NR Lingayat
To study the irrigation water quality of Chakur tahsil of Latur district, the present investigation was carried out during the year 2021-2022. Total one hundred ground water Samples were collected from 20 villages of Chakur tahsil of Latur district periodically in winter season (Jan and Feb 2021). The ground water samples were analyzed for its composition and parameters like pH, EC, cations (Na+, K+, Ca++, and Mg++), anions (CO3-, HCO3-, and Cl-) and parameters like sodium absorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), have also been determined for irrigation purpose. The study reveals that ground water samples are slightly alkaline in nature with dominance of sodium and bicarbonate. Majority of the water samples were higher in salinity class, indicating moderate suitability for irrigation. Among the cations Na+ was dominant in water followed by Mg++, Ca++ and K+. The relative proportion of anions were in the sequence of HCO3-, Cl- and CO3-.
How to cite this article:
PR Salunke, Dr. PB Adsul, BS More, US Mutkule and NR Lingayat. Studies on irrigation water quality of Chakur Tahsil of Latur district. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 244-248.