Constraints faced by beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar campaign
Pranali N Thakare, VS Tekale, PP Bhople and NR Koshti
In the Maharashtra state, inconsistency of rains in the very times of crop growth and discontinuity of rains create drought like situation. To mitigate drought in Maharashtra, state government specially launched Jalyukt Shivar Campaign in December, 2014 and ended after extension on March, 2020. The evaluation study was undertaken to know how this campaign is being implemented and what was done to improve this campaign. The present study was conducted in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state where drought is the major challenge hence the research objective was formulated to study constraints faced by the beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar Campaign. An ex-post facto research design of social research was used for present investigation. The study was conducted in Nagpur and Yavatmal district in the year 2020, with 320 beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar Campaign. The findings revealed that in case of technical constraints, majority of beneficiary farmers (72.50%) faced major constraint deposition of clay and silt in structures, followed by lack of maintenance of structures (66.87%) and unscientific implementation (54.68%), respectively. Under institutional constraints, majority of the beneficiary farmers (54.68%) of Jalyukt Shivar Campaign faced major constraint lack of post implementation budget for maintenance of structures, followed by lack of technical knowledge among implementing functionaries (48.12%), respectively. The other constraints faced by majority of the beneficiary farmers were irregularities in rainfall (82.50%) and high rate of evaporation in summer season (66.56%), respectively. The findings revealed that ignorance of technical specifications while implementing activities of campaign and lack of post implementation maintenance of structures limiting beneficiaries to derive more benefits from activities.
How to cite this article:
Pranali N Thakare, VS Tekale, PP Bhople and NR Koshti. Constraints faced by beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar campaign. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 92-95.