A study on value chain analysis of paddy in Bargarh district of Odisha
Pujalipta Behera, Sarba N Mishra, RK Mishra, BP Mishra and PN Pradhan
The present study entitled “A Study on value chain analysis of paddy in Bargarh District of Odisha” was undertaken with the following objectives, viz. to study the existing supply-chain along with the marketing channels of paddy and its allied products before and after harvesting; to study the internal and external factor influencing the supply chain of paddy and to find out the constraints in achieving the full potential of value added products and suggest policy recommendations for an improved rice value chain management. The present study was carried out in Bargarh district. A multistage random sampling method was followed to select the rice growers from two blocks from each district. Under each block two villages were selected randomly. 80 farmers were selected from the two villages randomly. Relevant analytical techniques were used for the study. Probit analysis was used for market participation of the farmer. Garrett ranking technique was used for ranking the constraints. Marketing efficiency of Paddy/Rice in Channel-I, II and III is 1.82, 1.80 and 1.71 respectively. This shows that the marketing efficiency increased with decrease in market intermediaries. Estimated coefficients of the Probit regression revealed that the explanatory variables– ‘level of education’, ‘farm size’, ‘household labour’ and ‘farm income’ positively and significantly influence the farmers’ decision to participate in the market with crop sales. Efficiency of Rice bran oil in channel I & II is 2.26 & 2.16 respectively. In view of lower coverage of farmers under MSP Program and more occurrence of distress sale by majority farmers of Odisha, value addition opportunities of rice should be promoted through SHGs, FPOs and MSME units in organized manner. More number of modern rice mills should be promoted for making this industry more profitable and qualitative. Recent R & D efforts by IITs & other research institutes should be promoted through various policy initiatives of State & Central Government. The present study on the value chain analysis thus provides deeper insights regarding the various actors involved in each stage of marketing channels and the value appreciation involved in the subsequent stages till it reaches the consumer.
How to cite this article:
Pujalipta Behera, Sarba N Mishra, RK Mishra, BP Mishra and PN Pradhan. A study on value chain analysis of paddy in Bargarh district of Odisha. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 72-75.