Therapeutic management of zinc phosphide poisoning in two non-descript bullocks
RI Hatzade, PD Salve, SP Waghmare, PS Zope, VB Awate and AB Bhinge
Two non-descript Bullocks from the Palodi village under Veterinary Dispensary Grade 1 Nimbhora from Akola District (Maharashtra) had accidental ingestion of zinc phosphide baits and developed signs of poisoning. Clinical examination of both the bullocks revealed bloat in one bullock and ataxia, struggling, weakness, dyspnea and elevated rectal temperature in both the bullocks. Pre-treatment hematological findings showed mild anemia in both the bullock. Each bullock was treated with 2 liters of 5% Sodium bicarbonate orally, Activated charcoal 1 gm/kg orally, Parenteral Ringers lactate and Calcium Borogluconate to overcome acidosis, Flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg intramuscularly, Ofloxacin and Ornidazole bolus 2 BD orally, iron containing liver tonic 50 ml BD orally and probiotic bolus 2 BD orally. Both the bullocks showed clinical improvement from the evening on same day and recovered completely within eight days.
How to cite this article:
RI Hatzade, PD Salve, SP Waghmare, PS Zope, VB Awate and AB Bhinge. Therapeutic management of zinc phosphide poisoning in two non-descript bullocks. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1827-1829.