Evaluation of Pleurotus species or strains cultivated on wheat substrate under Haryana conditions during 2017-18 to 2020-21
Satish Kumar and Jagdeep Singh
The Directorate of Mushroom Research (DMR), Chambaghat, Solan (H.P.) supplied a total of 34 Pleurotus species/strains during different years for their evaluation at All India Coordinated Research Project (Mushroom) at Hisar centre. The wheat straw was hot water treated at 65 °C for 60 minutes and dried till it attains 60 per cent moisture. The polythene bags were filled with 5 kg wet substrate having spawned at 10% of dry substrate. There were five replications per strain and 10 bags per replication. The observations on yield (kg/100 kg dry straw), time taken for first harvest (days) and pileus color were observed. The eleven strains tested during 2017-18 revealed that strain PL 17-11 produced a significantly maximum yield of 63.2 kg/100 kg dry substrate and gave first harvesting in 23.0 days. The ten strains were examined during 2018-19 and strain PL 18-04 produced highest yield of 73.6 kg/100 kg dry substrate and took a time of 25.2 days for first harvest. The strain PL 18-02 took a significantly lowest time of 24.8 days for first harvest. The seven strains evaluated during 2019-20 revealed that strain PL 19-07 produced significantly highest yield of 94.4 kg/100 kg dry straw and first harvesting was completed in 28 days. Similarly, six strains were tested during 2020-21 and strain PL-20-202 produced highest yield of 55.8 kg/100 kg dry straw with 26.2 days of first harvest duration. The four strains PL 17-11, PL 18-04, PL 19-07, PL 20-202 were found to give highest yield at 63.2, 73.6, 94.4 and 55.8 kg/100 kg dry substrate with duration of first harvest from 23-28 days during 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21, respectively. Among these, the strain PL 19-07 was light brown while other three were white in color. It can also be summarized in another way that among 34 strains, 22 strains gave a yield of 50.0 kg or more /100 kg dry substrate and only 12 strains gave yield of less than 50.0 kg/100 kg dry substrate. The duration of first harvest was between 23.0 to 35.5 days and pileus was light brown, brown, dark brown and white in colour.
How to cite this article:
Satish Kumar and Jagdeep Singh. Evaluation of Pleurotus species or strains cultivated on wheat substrate under Haryana conditions during 2017-18 to 2020-21. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1762-1768.