Impact of bullying on adolescents
Rajni and Dr. CK Singh
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour and use of force, hurtful teasing or threat, and is often repeated and habitual. It is very common in India as like in many other countries. It is a problem that begins at childhood and goes on until adulthood. Here, the main problem is that people do not consider it a problem. This problem is that much internalized, that people ignore it and take these incidents very casually. It can happen in person or online, through various online websites and it can be noticeable or unknown. These actions are repetitive, or has the potential to be recurrent, over time (for example, via sharing of digital histories). It is any practice or for any cause can have instant, moderate and longstanding effects on those involved, including bystanders.
How to cite this article:
Rajni and Dr. CK Singh. Impact of bullying on adolescents. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1741-1744.