Study of urine analysis in ultrasound guided and conventional tube cystostomy for surgical management of urine retention in male buffalo calves
Ankit Dangi, Sandeep Kumar, Maneesh Sharma, RN Chaudhary and Ram Niwas
The present study was carried out in twelve clinical cases of male buffalo calves having history of retention of urine. The animals were randomly divided into two groups comprising of six animals in each group. Those animals were taken in present study which had intact urinary bladder diagnosed by ultrasonography. In group I ultrasound guided tube cystostomy and in group II conventional tube cystostomy was done. Urine samples were collected aseptically in sterile urine collection vial preoperatively, at 24 hours, 3rd day and 14th day. Abnormal colour, specific gravity, protein, glucose, RBC cells, pus cells and crystaluria was noticed at the presentation of animals in both the groups which became normal after treatment and reach to normal value on 14th day in both the groups. There was no significant difference found for urine analysis in between the groups.
How to cite this article:
Ankit Dangi, Sandeep Kumar, Maneesh Sharma, RN Chaudhary and Ram Niwas. Study of urine analysis in ultrasound guided and conventional tube cystostomy for surgical management of urine retention in male buffalo calves. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1700-1703.