Factors affecting knowledge level of Bt. cotton growers: A sociological study
Tanvi Sharma and Jatesh Kathpalia
Present study was designed to know the factors affecting the knowledge level of farmers in Jind District of Haryana State, India. A total of 120 respondents were selected by using random sampling technique. The study revealed that 60 percent of respondents were having low level of knowledge. Where, age, education, annual income, mass media exposure and social participation were found to be highly significant in relation to knowledge level. It was also found that government schemes are accessible but utilization is lesser. They tend to believe in localties sources more as comparative to cosmopolite sources and mass media for the information.
How to cite this article:
Tanvi Sharma and Jatesh Kathpalia. Factors affecting knowledge level of Bt. cotton growers: A sociological study. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1683-1688.