Assessment of physico-chemical properties in soils of Samastipur and Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, India
Rahul Kumar, Amreen Hasan, Tarence Thomas, Arun Alfred David and Iska Srinath Reddy
The present study was carried out in the Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry lab at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences. The sampling location was Samastipur and Muzaffarpur distric of Bihar. The objective of the study was to analyse the Physico-chemical properties in soils of Samastipur and Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, India. Depth wise soil samples were collected from nine different village of 3 blocks of selected spots at 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm. The total no of 27 samples were collected from from several farmer's fields, and composite sampling was carried out. The results revealed that the texture of the soils varied from sandy loam to sandy clay loam with majority of them falling under sandy loam textural class The bulk density ranged from 1.02 to 1.42 (Av. 1.18) (Mg m-3), particle density from 2.30 to 2.66 (Av 2.51) (Mg m-3), pore space from 42.74 to 58.87 (Av. 52.93) (%), water holding capacity from 40.70 to 70.50 (Av.54.86) (%), specific gravity from 1.90 to 2.41 (Av. 2.22). The pH ranged from 7.23 to 9.21 (Av. 8.04), E.C. ranged from 0.32 to 1.45 (Av. 0.74) (dS m-1). The soil organic carbon ranged from 0.22 to 0.76 (Av. 0.43) (%). Available nitrogen ranged from 250.9 to 315.82 (Av. 283.86) (kg ha-1), available phosphorous ranged from 29.32 to 50.23 (Av. 35.72) (kg ha-1), available potassium ranged from 89.20 to 180.20 (Av. 128.94) (kg ha-1), free calcium carbonate ranged from 20.21 to 36.82 (Av. 27.88) (%), available sulphur ranged from 13.28 to 38.23 (Av. 18.24) (ppm). The Soil has acceptable BD, PD, pore space, and water holding capacity. As a result of the beneficial electrical conductivity for plants, the pH of the soil is neutral to alkaline. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Available Sulphur are low to medium in macronutrients. The results indicated that overall soils were in moderate conditions and farmers required maintaining soil health card, adopting suitable management practices and providing proper nutrition to the soil to overcome the pollution effect.
How to cite this article:
Rahul Kumar, Amreen Hasan, Tarence Thomas, Arun Alfred David and Iska Srinath Reddy. Assessment of physico-chemical properties in soils of Samastipur and Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1464-1469.