Impact of cluster front line demonstrations on redgram yield, economics and yield gap analysis in Warangal district of Telangana
Ch. Sowmya, R Arunjyothi, M Shyam Prasad and J Narasimha
Cluster Frontline Demonstrations on red gram were conducted by KVK Mamnoor, Warangal during kharif season of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively at select villages spread across 60 ha covering 93 demonstrations with the objective of increasing the productivity, economics of red gram and to decrease the yield gap. Results revealed that the average red gram yield registered under the demonstration was 1480 kg -1 ha with improved technology in comparison to 1180 kg-1 ha under farmer’s practice with % increase of 25.4. The average gross returns (66434 Rs ha-1), net returns (46769 Rs ha-1) and B: C ratio (3.36:1.0) recorded was more in demonstration when compared to farmers practice (52409 Rs ha-1 gross returns, 31075 Rs ha-1 net returns and 2.45:1.0 B: C ratio). Further, there was average additional increase in income of Rs 12500 ha-1, Rs 13140 ha-1 and Rs 16435 ha-1 in demonstrated technology during respective years of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. Regarding the yield gap analysis, average extension gap of 300 kg ha -1, technology gap of 520 kg ha-1 and technology index of 25.8% was recorded. The extension and technology gap could be reduced further by conducting large scale demonstrations paving the way for horizontal spread through location specific research strategies for different farming systems thereby increase farmers’ income and attain self-sufficiency in pulses production in our country.
How to cite this article:
Ch. Sowmya, R Arunjyothi, M Shyam Prasad and J Narasimha. Impact of cluster front line demonstrations on redgram yield, economics and yield gap analysis in Warangal district of Telangana. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1446-1449.