Occurrence of canine cardiac disorders in and around Mahakaushal region of India from March 2021- November 2021
Dr. Mitali Singh, Dr. Devendra Gupta, Dr. Ranbir S Jatav, Dr. Suman Kumar, Dr. Kabita Roy, Dr. Arpana Raikwar, Dr. Shashi Pradhan, Dr. Kamlesh K Sahoo and Dr. Shruti Bhatt
Cardiac disorders are one of the common causes of canine death. The symptoms are not very prominent in earlier stages of cardiac disorders causing overlooking of diagnosis and treatment on time. In this study, 6596 client owned dogs presented at Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, were screened with the objective of determining the occurrence of cardiac disorders in canine population of Jabalpur region. The study was conducted from March, 2021 to November, 2021. Among them 191 dogs having clinical signs were subjected to thorough investigations (i.e., cardiac auscultation, electrocardiography, haemoglobin and biochemical estimation along with serum electrolyte and mineral estimation). Overall occurrence was 1.29% in the dog population. Out of the suspected cases (191 cases), 85 dogs (44.5%) were found to be affected with various types of cardiac disorders. Breed wise Labrador Retrievers were found to be affected predominantly followed by non-descript dogs. Cardiac disorders are mostly seen in older age dogs (more than 9 years of age) i.e., 32.94%.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mitali Singh, Dr. Devendra Gupta, Dr. Ranbir S Jatav, Dr. Suman Kumar, Dr. Kabita Roy, Dr. Arpana Raikwar, Dr. Shashi Pradhan, Dr. Kamlesh K Sahoo and Dr. Shruti Bhatt. Occurrence of canine cardiac disorders in and around Mahakaushal region of India from March 2021- November 2021. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 986-990.