Effect of various contaminants on soil productivity and quality
Kriansh Jamwal
Consumer Society with growing food demand with limited land area there is a need to achieve maximum efficiency and high production with good quality products. It is known that the plant nutrients are one the most important factors for maintaining agricultural productivity and quality. But now a days soil are running out of nutrients are poor or inefficient. Such an effect is due to over use of chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides in soil that has a negative impact on public land as well as natural health. Heavy metal is among the most important pollutants present in the soil. This paper aims to integrate information about soil pollution by heavy metals as well other pollutants such as dust, oil, and their sources and effects on soil. Heavy metals such as As, Pb, Hg can reduce productivity rates of soil. Soil also shows less fertility and less productivity. All such pollutants have adverse effects on the soil quality and productivity and human health. The rate of fertilizer application and the continuous industrial out flow of waste water on the ground causes nutrient imbalance as well as polluting the soil on ground water resources.
How to cite this article:
Kriansh Jamwal. Effect of various contaminants on soil productivity and quality. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1321-1322.