Analyze the extent of adoption regarding selected home science technologies of training Programmes in agro climatic zone I B of Rajasthan
Dr. Santosh Jhajharia, Dr. Neena Sareen, Dr. RP Singh and Dr. AK Jhajharia
Women are the main part not only for the family but also an important part of the society and nation. Farm women play an active role in meeting all the needs of the family, they must be equipped with the latest knowledge and expertise, which is possible through education and training. The Krishi Vigyan Kendras Srtiganganagar and Hanumangarh-I are playing a great role in transferring the latest technology with the objective to provide need-based training to farm women. A systematic evaluation of training impact is very important to assess achievement of results desired, to find out hindering and helping factors and to make measures to improve the programme as a whole and assist participants in increased use of learnings. The study was conducted in Sriganganagar and Hanumangarh districts of Rajasthan. Eight villages of four panchayat samities namely; Padampur, Sriganganagar, Tibbi and Sangaria were selected purposely. A sample comprising of 320 farm women (160 beneficiaries and 160 non-beneficiaries) were selected for the study purpose. Beneficiaries were selected randomly through probability proportional allocation technique and non-beneficiaries were selected randomly from the same villages. The data were collected from selected respondents by using of personal interview technique. Data were analyzed, tabulated and results were the salient findings of the study.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Santosh Jhajharia, Dr. Neena Sareen, Dr. RP Singh and Dr. AK Jhajharia. Analyze the extent of adoption regarding selected home science technologies of training Programmes in agro climatic zone I B of Rajasthan. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1244-1247.