Hybrid polymer film preparation as a scaffold for tissue engineering and its mechanical strength
RD Srinath, RV Prasad, M Dhoolappa, MH Girish and V Girish Kumar
Biodegradable polymers are the most preferred material as a scaffold for tissue engineering. Synthetic biodegradable polymers exert good mechanical properties. Therefore, combining them with natural polymer has an advantage, as they would build good platforms with adequate biocompatibility and suitable mechanical property for tissue engineering. However, processing temperature influences the properties of the composite and the ability to add bioactive molecules such as drugs or growth factors. Therefore, an attempt was made to engineer a synthetic and hybrid scaffold using the solvent casting method, wherein the scaffold would be prepared at relatively lower temperatures.
How to cite this article:
RD Srinath, RV Prasad, M Dhoolappa, MH Girish and V Girish Kumar. Hybrid polymer film preparation as a scaffold for tissue engineering and its mechanical strength. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1228-1231.