A study on marketing aspects and constraints involved in the marketing of paddy in Kamrup district of Assam
Kanthika Bhuyan and Dr. Victoria A Masih
The study entitled “A study on marketing aspects and constraints involved in the marketing of paddy in Kamrup district of Assam.” was conducted in the Agricultural year 2021-22 in the Kamrup district of Assam. An extended survey was conducted to access the various marketing charges and cost incurred in different marketing channels of paddy and constrains associated with marketing of paddy. For selection of district, block, villages and respondents multi stage sampling technique was employed to know about the various marketing charges incurred during marketing of paddy. Two major channels were identified in distribution of paddy from producers to consumers. In channel I there is only one level of market intermediaries involved that is the distributors and in Channel II there is involvement of two market intermediaries namely the distributors and the retailers. The marketing margin, producer’s share in consumer rupees and middlemen share in both the channels were assessed and found out that channel I is more efficient than channel II as the producer’s share in consumer rupees was more in Channel I as compared to channel II. The major constrains in marketing of paddy was identified as High cost of transportation, Lack of suitable market, Lack of Storage facilities, Buyer's monopoly etc.
How to cite this article:
Kanthika Bhuyan and Dr. Victoria A Masih. A study on marketing aspects and constraints involved in the marketing of paddy in Kamrup district of Assam. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 1181-1185.