GGE biplot analysis for SCMR and Yield of groundnut genotypes under Iron deficient calcareous soil
Omesh Kumar, Madhu Choudhary, O Sridevi and GK Naidu
In recent decade use of graphical approach or GGE biplot for study genotype x environment (G×E) interaction become popular in plant breeding programs. In this approach the effects of genotype and G×E interaction are not separated and selection is based on both of above effects. In the present study eleven groundnut genotypes were evaluated at two environment condition during kharif 2016-17. In order to analyse the effects of G×E interaction on the SCMR score and yield, the generated multi environmental data was subjected to GGE biplot stability analysis. The GGE biplot is an effective method for analysing the MET data to screen stable performing genotypes at particular location and to identify ideal environments for better evaluation of traits under consideration. The environment E2 was shown to discriminate and represent genotypes for both traits considered. The genotypes 5, 6, 4, 3, 11 and 1 were found as iron deficiency tolerant genotypes whereas genotypes 9, 2, 10 and 7 marked as iron deficiency susceptible genotypes. The genotypes 11 and 8 were found high yielder with iron deficiency tolerance.
How to cite this article:
Omesh Kumar, Madhu Choudhary, O Sridevi and GK Naidu. GGE biplot analysis for SCMR and Yield of groundnut genotypes under Iron deficient calcareous soil. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 910-915.