Comparison of sprouted and unsprouted kodo millet based functional milk beverage
P Geetha and S Kanchana
Kodo millet based functional milk beverage was standardized. 100g of kodo millet was cleaned to remove foreign substances and were steeped in excess water for 12 hours and allowed to sprout for 48 hours. To the sprouted grains water was added in the ratio of 1:7 and milk was extracted. Sugar 10% and cardamom 0.1% were added as a flavouring substance. The Total Soluble Solids were increased to 15◦ brix. Similarly, milk was extracted from the millet without malting. The millet milk was assessed for their physical characteristics, nutritional characteristics and organoleptic characteristics. The kodo millet-based milk beverage has TSS (15º brix), acidity (0.86), starch (5.73 g%), total sugar (3.26 g%), reducing sugar (1.79g%) and protein (1.75 g%) contents / 100 g. The product cost is Rs. 25/ 200 ml. The shelf life of the kodo millet milk has shelf life of 3 months. Sprouting of millet increased the milk yield with less viscosity and minimum sedimentation. In sensory characteristics, it scored highest values in all aspects like appearance, colour, flavour, consistency, taste and overall acceptability. There was no detectable pesticide residue. In the microbial load, the colony forming unit was 1.45± 0.17 (log10-2). The shelf life of the kodo millet beverage was 3 months at refrigerated conditions.
How to cite this article:
P Geetha and S Kanchana. Comparison of sprouted and unsprouted kodo millet based functional milk beverage. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 889-892.