Vol. 11, Special Issue 5 (2022)
Effect of rainfall on soil moisture content in pearl millet crop
Harshkumar R Pandya and MM Lunagariya
In the pearl millet crop, soil moisture observation was taken by gravimetric method at 3 days interval. Soil samples were collected using a soil auger from the plot. Weight of the sample was measured by weighing machine before placing in oven for 24 hrs. at 105 °C. Annual normal rainfall of Anand is 860 mm of which 90 percent is received during June to September period in southwest monsoon. Monsoon prevails from 3rd week of June to the 2nd week of the September at Anand. The soil of experimental plot is representative of the region and is popularly known as Goradu soil. It is of alluvial origin and the texture of the soil is sandy loam. The field had a good drainage as well as fair moisture retentive capacity. During the course of investigation, soil moisture ranged between 13.6% to 18.5%. Soil moisture variation in observations with time is markedly high after rainfall. High soil moisture values (>18.5%) indicates less time between irrigation applied or rainfall.
How to cite this article:
Harshkumar R Pandya and MM Lunagariya. Effect of rainfall on soil moisture content in pearl millet crop. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 878-880.