DNA fingerprinting and its applications in crop improvement: A review
Nidudur Sree Harshitha and Sanjeet Singh Sandal
Crop DNA fingerprinting is becoming more popular in plant breeding as a result of its uses in variety protection, dispute settlement, and forensic science research. The varieties were distinguished based on the morphological markers before the development of proteomic and genomic technology. For genetic diversity analysis in crops, protein based markers were discovered and used in mid 20th century. For crop fingerprinting DNA markers are used mostly in the genomic era. Crop fingerprinting with DNA markers began with RFLPs (non-PCR based markers) and progressed to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based markers that are RAPDs (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA), SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeat), AFLPs (Amplified fragment Length Polymorphisms, ISSRs (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats), SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), DArT (Diversity Array Technology). The development of cost effective whole genome sequencing techniques is critical to the future of crop fingerprinting. Distinction of highly similar varieties, mutants, certain clones, and vegetatively propagated crops might be possible with such technology. This review paper gives an idea about different markers used for DNA fingerprinting and also its applications for crop improvement.
How to cite this article:
Nidudur Sree Harshitha and Sanjeet Singh Sandal. DNA fingerprinting and its applications in crop improvement: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 792-797.