Impact of front line demonstration on production productivity and net returns of pigeon pea under rain fed condition
PK Singh, SK Singh and Vivekanand Singh
The present study were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jamui (Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna) in the Kharif season on an area of 40 ha. in all 208 demonstrations during 2019-20 and 2020-21 in Jamui district. Front line demonstration (FLD) is an appropriate technique to transfer the technologies at farmers field. The findings in respect of Pigeon pea, overall yield trend of 208 demonstrations in an area of 40 ha ranged of 12.5 q ha-1 to 12.8 q ha-1 with an average of 12.65 q ha-1 and yield increase ranged from 40 to 42% over the farmers practice. The technology gap, extension gap and technology index were recorded with an average 2.35 q ha-1, 3.85 q ha-1 and 15.6% respectively. The increment in yield under front line demonstration was due to spreading of latest technologies viz. improved variety, seed treatment, line seeding, use of balance fertilizer, installation of bird purcher and multiplication caze etc. Improved technologies gave higher mean net returns of Rs. 84,570 ha-1 with benefit cost ratio 2.35 as compared to farmers practice (Net returns Rs. 39,700 ha-1, B:C ratio 1.75). The results clearly indicated that FLD is an appropriate technology for demonstration as well as the transfer of improved agricultural innovation to the farming community. Hence FLD have a broad scope for increasing area, production and productivity of Pigeon pea crop.
How to cite this article:
PK Singh, SK Singh and Vivekanand Singh. Impact of front line demonstration on production productivity and net returns of pigeon pea under rain fed condition. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 693-696.