Analysis on marketing of freshwater fish rohu (Labeo rohita) in Cuttack district, Odisha
Biswajit Samal, Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Vikas Singh
The study was conducted in Cuttack district of Odisha. A two stage stratified multi-stage sampling technique was used for the selection of blocks, villages and proportionate random sampling for selection of growers. From the list, 98 fish farmers were selected using proportionate sampling method i.e. 47 small, 35 medium and 16 large farmers respectively. The primary data were collected from the respondents by using interview schedule, while secondary data were collected from the official records, published data, magazines etc. The marketable surplus for Rohu (Labeo rohita) in the study area was found to be 20.14, 21.05 and 21.1 quintals per hectare farm which constituting (95.36%), (94.95%) and (94.03%) to their total Rohu production. Channel-I, Marketing cost when producers sold their produce to consumer in the market was Rs.293/quintal. Net price received by the producer is 11971/quintal. Producer share in consumer price was 97.6 per cent. Price spread is Rs 293/quintal. Marketing efficiency was 41.9 per cent. Channel-II, Marketing cost when producers sold their produce to wholesalers was Rs. 12144/quintal, further wholesaler sold it to retailer was Rs.12344/quintal. Producer share in consumer price was 91.7 per cent. Price spread is Rs.1003/quintal. Marketing efficiency was 10.40 per cent. Channel-III, This is identified as the longest channel. The producer sells his produce to the trader, who in turn sell it to wholesaler, further wholesaler sell it to retailer in the market. Producer share in consumer price was 84.1 per cent. Price spread is Rs 2228/quintal. Marketing efficiency was 6.3 per cent. Finally, the produce reaches to the consumer after collecting margin.
How to cite this article:
Biswajit Samal, Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Vikas Singh. Analysis on marketing of freshwater fish rohu (Labeo rohita) in Cuttack district, Odisha. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 434-438.