Effect of supplementation of safflower oil in Ovsynch on conception rate of postpartum Bidri goats
Ravikiran, Bijurkar RG, Tandle MK, Biradar US, Suranagi MD, Ramachandra B and Srikant K
The study was conducted to find out the effect of safflower oil supplementation combined with Ovsynch estrus synchronization protocol in postpartum Bidri goats. Twenty-four full term pregnant goats were selected and divided into 3 groups (n=8). From day of kidding, all the 3 groups were fed with concentrate feed (250 gm/day/doe) for 30 days. Group one (T0) was kept control and maintained on concentrate feed without additional supplementation. Treatment groups – Group 2 (T1) and Group 3 (T2) received safflower oil supplementation at the rate of 30 gm and 50 gm/day/doe respectively, for 30 days. Ovsynch (G-P-G) estrous synchronization protocol was carried in all 3 groups from day 16 postpartum. All animals received a I/M inj of GnRH @ 4 mcg on day 16 post kidding and I/M inj of PGF2α @ 250 mcg on day 23; Upon observing of estrus signs, does were allowed for natural mating. All the animals received second, I/M inj of GnRH @ 4 mcg on day 25 (48 hours after PGF2α injection). Estrus induction rates for all the 3 groups were 100 %. Conception rates for T0, T1 and T2 were 50%, 75% and 100% respectively. Based on conception rate, it was noticed that safflower oil supplementation augmented conception rates in both Group 2 (T1) and Group 3 (T2). It was concluded that Group 3, which received 50-gram safflower oil + Ovsynch had better efficiency in increasing conception rate of postpartum Bidri does.
How to cite this article:
Ravikiran, Bijurkar RG, Tandle MK, Biradar US, Suranagi MD, Ramachandra B and Srikant K. Effect of supplementation of safflower oil in Ovsynch on conception rate of postpartum Bidri goats. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1997-2001.