Study on market share and market potential with the constraints and their suitable suggestions to adoption of hybrid paddy seeds of Nuziveedu in Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh
Sidharth Anand, Dr. Ameesh John Stephan, Amit Kumar, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Maurya and Dr. Pratyasha Tripathi
A study was conducted to determine constraints and suitable suggestion in adoption of hybrid paddy of Nuziveedu seeds. Even through agriculture is the line pin of Indian economy, the farmer, especially those with mean landholding, feel that what they can earn from paddy cultivation is not sufficient to meet even their basic needs. Besides, the pressure on population has reduced the area of cultivation land per cultivator from 0.43 hectare to 0.20 hectare during 1901-1998. The overall land under food grains has remained at 120 million hectares and is showing signs of dropping future. The public investment in agriculture as per as gross domestic production has dropped from 3 percentage to around 1.7 percentage in the last decade, the annual per capital food production has declined from 207kg, in 1995 to 186 Kgs in 2006. Sometimes because of low marketing percentage of Nuziveedu Seeds the dealers manipulate the farmers by selling them wrong product instead of prescribed product. As we know that large no. of competitors are present in the market, so there is a cut throat competition among them, which results in the decline of sale of Nuziveedu Seeds. The problem apparently seems to be that the Product needs proper marketing. Besides the Paddy of the product in the market fluctuate from year and month to month, which is likely to discourage the farmer to take up the cultivation extensively.
How to cite this article:
Sidharth Anand, Dr. Ameesh John Stephan, Amit Kumar, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Maurya and Dr. Pratyasha Tripathi. Study on market share and market potential with the constraints and their suitable suggestions to adoption of hybrid paddy seeds of Nuziveedu in Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1875-1878.