Author(s): Aditya Prakash, Rashmi Kumari and Pranav Raj
Abstract: The widespread use of various herbicides in India has made weed control a difficult task. The weed spectrum is increasing each year. The increased use of herbicides has led to increased exposure of users to this class of compounds and the associated hazards. This also poses a great challenge to researchers and practitioners to develop new herbicides and to make them available to farmers. The use of crop rotation in weed management, along with effective, timely and judicious use of herbicides and other agro-inputs should be practised. The current study evaluates the current herbicides used in India and impact of these herbicides on soil biome and plant health.
Aditya Prakash, Rashmi Kumari and Pranav Raj. Challenges in weed management in India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1774-1777. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i4Sw.12233