Effect of floor space allowance on serum cortisol level of Magra lambs in arid zone of Rajasthan
Subhita Kumari, Vijay Kumar, Arunkumar Jhirwal and Navav Singh
This experiment was conducted to find out the effect of different floor space allowance on cortisol level of Magra lambs. For this study, eighteen male Magra lambs between the age group of 3-6 months were randomly selected. The selected lambs were divided and kept into three different groups with different floor space comprising of 6 lambs in each group. GroupT0 (0.8m2 floor space/lamb), Group T1 (0.6m2 /lamb) and Group T2 (1m2 /lamb). The feeding and other management practices for all the three groups were similar. The blood sample was collected from each lamb in fifteen days interval and the serum cortisol concentration (ng/ml) was determined with the help of Cortisol ELISA Kit. The average serum cortisol concentration was 9.28±1.07, 10.61±1.14 and 8.41±1.08 ng/ml in Group T0, T1 and T2 lambs respectively. There was no significant effect.
How to cite this article:
Subhita Kumari, Vijay Kumar, Arunkumar Jhirwal and Navav Singh. Effect of floor space allowance on serum cortisol level of Magra lambs in arid zone of Rajasthan. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1719-1721.