Competency in using e-resources, learning methods for using e-resources and preference of different format for reading full-text articles by the agriculture post graduate students
Hansa Yadav, IM Khan, Naresh Kumar Kumawat and Duda Ram Gurjar
Abstract:E-resources have become a way of life for majority of higher education students all around the world. For most universities and college students, the e-resources is the functional tool that has greatly changed the way they interact with each other and with information as they go about their studies. The present study was conducted in S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner. A questionnaire consisting of the measuring devices of different variables along with the face data of the agriculture post graduate students was used for collecting responses of the agriculture post graduate students. Majority of the male agriculture post graduate students most preferred the ‘e-mail’ as the medium for accessing e-resources, whereas the female agriculture post graduate students most preferred World Wide Web (WWW) as the medium for accessing e-resources. Regarding the frequency of using of different e-resources it was found that majority of the male and female agriculture post graduate students were most frequently use ‘Internet’. Regarding the preference of different format for reading full-text articles it was found that majority of the male, and female agriculture post graduate students gave most preference to PPT format. Regarding the preference of different medium for accessing e-resources it was found that the majority of male agriculture post graduate students most preferred the ‘e-mail’ as the medium for accessing, whereas the female agriculture post graduate students most preferred world wide web (www) as the medium for accessing e-resources.
Regarding the sources of learning the use of e-resources it was found that majority of the male and female agriculture post graduate students the most popular sources of learning the use of e-resources was ‘guidance from other students’, Regarding the competency in using e-resources it was found that majority of the male and female agriculture post graduate students had the most competencies in ‘selecting online materials for use’.
How to cite this article:
Hansa Yadav, IM Khan, Naresh Kumar Kumawat and Duda Ram Gurjar. Competency in using e-resources, learning methods for using e-resources and preference of different format for reading full-text articles by the agriculture post graduate students. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1700-1705.