Haemato-biochemical changes of external skeletal fixation on long bone fractures in sheep and goats
Sravanti M, Chandra Sekhar EL, Latha C, Pramod Kumar D and Lakshman M
The present clinical study on the management of long bone fractures of tibia, metacarpal and metatarsal in sheep and goat using Stainless steel, Mild steel, and Aluminium implants of Type Ia, Linear External Skeletal Fixators and Hybrid circular External Fixation (HEF)-Type Ia, was conducted. A total of 36 clinical cases of sheep and goat of either sex aged between 2 months to 4 years 6 months with fractures of tibia, metacarpal and metatarsal were assigned into three groups with two subdivided groups total six groups based on the metal used, type and location of fracture and the surgical procedure adopted for fracture fixation. Clinical, radiological and heamato-biochemical effects were studied. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that the haemoglobin level and packed cell volume on 15th post-operative day decreased initially and then the values gradually increased within normal physiological limits by 60th post-operative day. The total erythrocyte count in three groups was elevated non significantly which were within normal physiological limits. This might be due to the physical stress at the time of fracture, loss of blood during surgery, as well as haemodilution and anesthesia during internal fixation procedure. The total leukocyte count was higher on the day before surgery when compared to the post-operative period. Physiological leucocytopenia seen was suggestive of gradual decrease in inflammatory reaction. The differential leucocyte count like neutrophil count decreased on 15th and 60th post-operative day when compared to the day before surgery in all the groups. Contrary to this, the lymphocyte count increased on 15th and 60th post-operative days. This indicated gradual decrease of inflammatory reaction. However, they were within normal physiological limits on different post-operative days in all the groups. The monocytic and eosinophilic count showed nonsignificant variations at different time interval in the animals of all the three groups. However, it fluctuated within normal physiological limits. The serum calcium values showed a gradual decrease by 15th post-operative day followed by increase in the value and reaching normal at 60th post-operativeday. The serum phosphorous values showed a gradual increase without any significant variation and the values were within the normal range. The serum alkaline phosphatase values showed a gradual increase by 15th post-operative day followed by increase in the value and reaching normal at 60th post-operative day. Serum alkaline phosphatase values increased non significantly from pre-operative day to 15th post-operative day indicating increased chondroblastic proliferation to cause bone formation during bone repair with good fracture stability till the completion of the bone healing in all the sheep and goats. Results of the present clinical study revealed that the Type Ia ESF and and Hybrid External Fixators Type Ia of stainless steel, mild steel and aluminium can be used with excellent outcome for treatment of long bone fractures of tibia, metacarpal and metatarsal in sheep and goats.
How to cite this article:
Sravanti M, Chandra Sekhar EL, Latha C, Pramod Kumar D and Lakshman M. Haemato-biochemical changes of external skeletal fixation on long bone fractures in sheep and goats. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1315-1319.