Evaluation of lyophilized platelet powder for angiogenesis in chorio allantoic membrane assay
Johnsi Koruth, A Mangala Gowri, N Pazhanivel, GR Baranidhran and S Nandhini
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) accelerates wound healing, as it is an excellent source of growth factors. An optimal scaffolding material should elicit minimal inflammatory response and promote cell binding, proliferation and activity of cells. The scaffold has to possess appropriate mechanical properties for physical support during tissue development despite their high porous structure. In this study, Canine PRP prepared were subjected for lyophilization and evaluated for its potential angiogenesis on developing chicken embryo model. The PRP has much angiogenic activity inducing Chorio allantoic membrane (CAM) tissue invasion. The PRP in lyophilized form shows promising application in chronic ulcers for wound healing with potential biocompatibility.
How to cite this article:
Johnsi Koruth, A Mangala Gowri, N Pazhanivel, GR Baranidhran and S Nandhini. Evaluation of lyophilized platelet powder for angiogenesis in chorio allantoic membrane assay. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 716-718.