A case study on marketing of pineapple on the behalf of marketing margin, marketing cost, marketing efficiency, price spread, producer’s share in consumer rupee in Gomati District of Tripura
Rana Majumder, Amit Kumar, Jayant Zechariah and Paras Nath Jhariya
A study was conducted to analyze the marketing of pineapple in Gomati District of Tripura, both primary and secondary data were used. This study was conducted by the 2021-2022 agriculture year. Out of 100 percent 39 percent pineapple growers were selected for the study. 9 wholesalers out of 16 were selected & out of 46 retailer 15 retailer were selected for information assortment. Present study revealed Marketing margin 0% channel-I, 18. 01% channel-II, 25.78% channel III. Marketing cost 6.96% channel I, 8.27% channel II, 9.87% channel III. Marketing Efficiency 14.6 channel I, 3.80 channel II, 2.80 channel III. Price spread 6.96% channel I, 26.28% channel II, 35.65% channel III. Producers share in consumer rupee 93.41% channel-I, 79.23% channel –II, 69.10 channel-III. Marketing efficiency and producers share in consumer rupee were found highest in channel I follow by channel II, III. Marketing cost, marketing margin merging as well as price spread were found highest in channel III followed by channel II, I.
How to cite this article:
Rana Majumder, Amit Kumar, Jayant Zechariah and Paras Nath Jhariya. A case study on marketing of pineapple on the behalf of marketing margin, marketing cost, marketing efficiency, price spread, producer’s share in consumer rupee in Gomati District of Tripura. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 704-707.