Assessment of training programme for livelihood enterprise of SERP trainees for nutritional security
Anibera Neelima, K. Vijayalakshmi, T Murali Krishna, Bilquis and T Anuradha
The study was conducted on the value addition of millets to trainees of SERP (Society for elimination of rural poverty) members to create awareness among farmers on millets and their consumption. The training was organized at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rastakuntubai. The primary purpose of this study was to impart some knowledge to trainees on value addition to millets and raising of backyard nutrition garden, and they were also satisfied with the training. Most trainees were women compared to men, and women trainees started their businesses, such as nutrition gardens, self-life foods and ready to eat foods with millets, and developed Nutri entrepreneurs with the help of self-help groups (SHGs). The study was conducted in 7 blocks, and 120 trainees were selected purposively. To conduct pre-test and post-test training value addition skill scores with the help of an interview schedule.
How to cite this article:
Anibera Neelima, K. Vijayalakshmi, T Murali Krishna, Bilquis and T Anuradha. Assessment of training programme for livelihood enterprise of SERP trainees for nutritional security. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 413-416.