Construction of attitude scale to measure the attitude of farmers about digital technologies
Manisha Ohlan and Manju Dahiya
Attitudes are evaluative statements or judgments about items, people, or events that are either positive or negative (Robbins, 1989). They express one's feelings regarding something. The current study was done in Haryana's Karnal, Rohtak, and Jhajjar districts, with 360 respondents, including male and female farmers. 30 items spanning a list of digital technologies were produced based on farmer attitudes rather than poorly informed ones. The S and Q values were calculated using the scores collected from each item. In the end, a total of ten items were chosen. The split half approach was used to assess the attitude scale's reliability. At a 1% level of significance, the coefficient of correlation value in the split half was 0.80. Developed attitude scale was found to be high stable and dependable measurement.
How to cite this article:
Manisha Ohlan and Manju Dahiya. Construction of attitude scale to measure the attitude of farmers about digital technologies. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 338-341.