Application of artificial intelligence in agriculture: Present scenario and impact
Pratyush Kumari Rath and Mukesh Kumar Maurya
Artificial intelligence has been there for humanity for a while but we are seeing intense progress in the last 10 years. It has penetrated to all aspects of life-giving us comfort as well as concerns. On the other hand, there’s agriculture sector, which in spite of various technological development, is not adopting it fast. Still, the combination of artificial intelligence and agriculture is raising its head in India. Economists and researchers have adopted artificial intelligence at a great rate. This narrative tries to put a scratched idea of the current day scenario of agriculture, economics and agricultural economics saga. More than 58 companies involved with artificial intelligence have come forward to invest in agriculture in India. Development of economics with AI in India is marching forward at it’s own pace. So many future possibilities can be observed in this direction.
How to cite this article:
Pratyush Kumari Rath and Mukesh Kumar Maurya. Application of artificial intelligence in agriculture: Present scenario and impact. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 186-189.