Mineralization rate of sulphur in soils of new alluvial zone of West Bengal under regimes of moisture content
Md. Mehedi Hassan
Sulphur (S) presents dominantly in organic form in soils and must undergo microbial mineralization prior to plant uptake. Thus, the potential of different soils to mineralize the native S varies differently and this is being influenced by the soil physical, chemical and biological environment. We aimed to evaluate the Sulphur mineralization potential of soils of new alluvial zone under regimes of moisture content. Therefore, an incubation study was conducted by taking soil samples from new alluvial zone and four moisture levels (field capacity, moist, submerged and alternate wetting and drying moisture content) were maintained for a period of 90 days. To study the S mineralization potential of soils or mineralization rate and influence of moisture content on such process, soil samples were drawn at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days after incubation and analyzed for the increase or decrease amount of available sulphur (0.15% CaCl2extractable S) in soils. So far, the physical attributes of soils of this zone are concerned, the sand content (g kg-1) is 346 in this zone. The result also witnessed high amount of clay content in soils of new alluvial zone (344 g kg-1). The total S content and the organic sulphur content in this zone are 722.1 μg g-1 and 691.8 μg g-1. Low amount of inorganic S (30.3μg g-1) was reported in this zone. For new alluvial zone the mineralization rate of sulphur followed reverse trend with periods of incubation; being highest at 15 DAI and followed the decreasing trend as 15 DAI< 30 DAI< 45 DAI< 60 DAI < 90 DAI irrespective of moisture regimes.
How to cite this article:
Md. Mehedi Hassan. Mineralization rate of sulphur in soils of new alluvial zone of West Bengal under regimes of moisture content. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 39-43.