Adoption level of farmers on hybrid castor YRCH 1 cultivation in Salem and Namakkal districts of Tamil Nadu
Naveena D and Srivara Buddhi Bhuvaneswari S
India has the largest area (11.48 lakh ha) and highest productivity (1666 kg/ha) of Castor in the world. Castor is one of the important non-edible oilseed crop and is grown in arid and semi arid region. The Hybrid Castor YRCH 1 was released in the year 2009 and abundant number of extension activities were undertaken to popularise this hybrid in the major castor growing districts of Tamil Nadu since its release by the Tapioca and Castor Research Station (TCRS), Yethapur and the Krishi Vigyan Kendras of respective districts. The main reason to release a hybrid or variety is to increase the crop yield by reducing the cost of cultivation. If so, farmers income would enhanced which led to increase in the socio economic status and there by ensures livelihood security. Keeping this in the view, the present study was undertaken with the objective of “Assessing the Adoption level of Farmers on Hybrid Castor YRCH 1 cultivation in Salem and Namakkal districts of Tamil Nadu”. This study was conducted in Namakkal and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu which has maximum area under Hybrid castor (YRCH 1) cultivation. In this study a total of four villages have been selected from which 120 farmers were selected by simple random sampling technique. Using a well structured interview schedule, the required data were collected and percentage analysis was done. From the findings, it is revealed that more than half (55.80 per cent) of the respondents were in the medium level of adoption of technologies. Little less than one fourth (23.40 per cent) of the respondents had high level of adoption followed by 20.80 percent had low adoption level.
How to cite this article:
Naveena D and Srivara Buddhi Bhuvaneswari S. Adoption level of farmers on hybrid castor YRCH 1 cultivation in Salem and Namakkal districts of Tamil Nadu. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 1634-1636.