A comparative study of standard plate count (SPC) and lactic acid bacterial count (LABC) quality of cow milk at different milking times
Rameshwar, UK Shukla, Charan Singh Choudhary, Manish Meshram and Annu Kumawat
The experiment was conducted at the Livestock production and management (unit), MGCGV Chitrakoot-Satna (M.P.) to complete the research work following steps where followed by during January to February 2019. All sanitary precaution was followed to produce clean milk. The sample of the raw milk of three animals each were replicated ten time and tested to determine the standard plate count/mℓ (SPC) (104), lactic acid bacteria count/mℓ (LABC) (103), in the raw milk. The data obtained for the aforesaid tests were subjected to statistical analysis. The result of the statistical analysis showed that the differences in mean values of SPC/104 mℓ, LABC/103 mℓ. In view of the finding and result presented above, it may be concluded that the raw Cow milk of morning T1 was found best in terms of minimum standard plate count/mℓ (SPC) (104), lactic acid bacterial count/mℓ (LABC) (103).
How to cite this article:
Rameshwar, UK Shukla, Charan Singh Choudhary, Manish Meshram and Annu Kumawat. A comparative study of standard plate count (SPC) and lactic acid bacterial count (LABC) quality of cow milk at different milking times. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 1527-1530.