Vol. 11, Special Issue 3 (2022)
Study of nutrient requirement of milking cows and evaluation of excess or deficit of energy and protein in the balance diet
Dr. Vivekin Pachauri and Dr. SK Mishra
The high producing milking cow requires a diet that supplies the nutrient needs for high milk production. Lactating cows should be fed an array of protein supplement instead of one type. The primary sources of Energy to dairy cattle are carbohydrates. Protein is typically measured in feed stuffs as crude protein (CP) which is defined as the % N in a feed multiplied by 6.25 present study was conducted in 20 lactating cows to evaluate excess or deficit of energy and protein in the balance diet & nutrient requirement of milch cows. Milking animals were strategically supplemented as per their nutrient requirement according to their maintenance and production. In Group A the percent excess of nutrients in terms of DCP and TDN was 22.85% and 24.15% and in group B the percent excess of nutrient in terms of DCP and TDN was 18.59% and 24.87%.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vivekin Pachauri and Dr. SK Mishra. Study of nutrient requirement of milking cows and evaluation of excess or deficit of energy and protein in the balance diet. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 1490-1493.