Abstract:A Hydrograph is the Curve which shows the relation between the discharge and time of any stream at a point. Hydrograph may be used to show how to water flow in a drain age basin respond to period of rain. The factors affecting shape of hydrograph that is antecedent rainfall, Impermeable rock type, size of drainage basin, vegetation etc. A Runoff Hydrograph is a graph showing the rate of flow verses time past a specific of river, and channel, or conduit carrying flow. A Unit Hydrograph is a direct runoff hydrograph resulting from one unit of constant intensity uniform rainfall occurring over the entire watershed.
A Synthetic unit hydrograph retains all features of the unit hydrograph but does not require rainfall data and its purpose to simulate basin diffusion by estimating the basin lag based on a certain formula. A dimensionless hydrograph method is a simple easy to use technique for simulating an average hydrograph correspond to a given peak discharge. Visual Studio 2017 software is used to calculate the formulae. Microsoft Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. In Visual Studio Software C sharp Language and .NET Framework is used, operators perform simple calculations and similar functions. Thus, the calculations are completed in a very short span of time as they are pre-defined in the software. By entering the values, the formulae for Hydrograph were calculated. The results thus obtained were verified with the manual calculations and found that the results were accurate. Thus, this software is very efficient for calculating formulae for open channel flow.