Popular rice varieties among farmers in wet and dry seasons rice cultivation in Chhattisgarh: A perception based analysis
Biseshwar Saxena, MA Khan and Sunil Narbaria
The present investigation was carried in the state of Chhattisgarh's plain agro-climatic zone of Chhattisgarh state during the year 2019-20. The purpose of this study is to collect the information regarding popular rice varieties during the wet and dry seasons. The research was carried out in 18 villages selected randomly from six blocks in three districts in the Chhattisgarh’s Plain Agro-Climatic Zone. The information was collected through a personal interview with the use of an interview schedule. The collected information was examined using appropriate statistical methodologies and tools. The findings on adoption of rice variety on the basis of area in wet season indicate that MTU-1010 in up to 1 ha, hybrid varieties in 1.1 to 2 ha, other varieties in 2.1 to 3ha and HMT in above 3ha widely adopted popular varieties. In dry season hybrid varieties in up to 1ha, HMT in 1.1 to 2ha, MTU-1010 in 2.1 to 3ha and mahamaya in above 3ha area widely adopted popular varieties. It was observed that in wet season MTU-1001 in Matasi (Inceptisols), other varieties in Dorsa (Alfisols) and hybrid varieties in Kanhar (Vertisols) were popular varieties. In case of dry season, the HMT in Matasi (Inceptisols), Swarna in Dorsa (Alfisols) and MTU-1010 in Kanhar (Vertisols) were the popular varieties.
How to cite this article:
Biseshwar Saxena, MA Khan and Sunil Narbaria. Popular rice varieties among farmers in wet and dry seasons rice cultivation in Chhattisgarh: A perception based analysis. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 744-747.