Traumatic pneumothorax in a hunting Chippiparai dog and its management
Sundararajan RC, S Saravanan and AR Ninu
A 3.5 year old, male chippiparai dog was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex with a history of trauma during hunting. Clinical examination revealed dyspnoea, paroxysmal breathing pattern and drooping of head with orthopneic posture and wheezes over the thorax. Hematobiochemical analysis revealed hemoconcentration, leukocytosis, hypoglycemia and elevated blood urea nitrogen. Thoracic radiography revealed traumatic pneumothorax. Bilateral needle thoracocentesis was performed with administration of antibiotics and corticosteroids. Recovery was noticed after 3 days.
How to cite this article:
Sundararajan RC, S Saravanan and AR Ninu. Traumatic pneumothorax in a hunting Chippiparai dog and its management. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 607-608.