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Vol. 11, Special Issue 3 (2022)

Trends and growth rate analysis of area, production and productivity of rice crop of Chhattisgarh state

Neeraj Jaiswal, Dr. AK Sarawgi and Dr. Dronak Kumar Sahu
The Present study deals with trends and growth rate analysis of area, production and productivity of rice crop of Chhattisgarh state. The Chhattisgarh plain, Bastar plateau and Northern hills area of Chhattisgarh was purposely selected for this study because this area has different levels of the trends and growth rate of rice in the Chhattisgarh state. Rice is the principal food crop in India. Rice is grown in an area of 43.79 M ha with a production of 116.42 Mt and productivity of 2659 kg/ha in the country occupying 22 per cent of gross cropped area of the country. Rice contributes 41 per cent of total food grain production occupying 35 per cent of food grain area of the country (2018-19). The production was high significant and low growth rate of 2.44 percent in Northern hills followed by Chhattisgarh plains (2.04 percent) and Bastar plateau (0.63 percent) of Chhattisgarh state. The productivity of rice in different area that rice yield has marginally growth in Northern hills (2.26%) followed by Chhattisgarh plains (1.38%) and Bastar plateau (0.10 percent) of Chhattisgarh state. In this study the overall rice area, production and productivity was low significant and growth rate of 0.54 percent, 1.93 percent and 1.38 percent.
Pages: 180-184  |  2002 Views  1538 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Neeraj Jaiswal, Dr. AK Sarawgi and Dr. Dronak Kumar Sahu. Trends and growth rate analysis of area, production and productivity of rice crop of Chhattisgarh state. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 180-184.

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