Occupational health and postural discomfort faced by bankers due to computer usage
Reena Solanki and Manju Mehta
In today’s world, due to increase of information technology and daily increase of computer usage in banking sector and increase use of online services in banks, there is a need of research in computer work related musculoskeletal disorders and health problems related to it. Prolonged sitting in banking sector is injurious for health. This research paper aimed to know the level of occupational health and postural discomfort faced by the bank employees during the performance of work. In this study, results revealed that maximum number of respondents faced muscle and joint problems resulting from prolonged static posture at work scored rank I with mean score (2.13). Heavy discomfort was felt in the neck (WMS – 3.84) followed by lower back (WMS - 3.74), wrists (WMS - 3.64), head (WMS – 3.53), lower arms (WMS- 3.30), upper arms (WMS- 3.17) and shoulder (WMS- 3.06). Bank employees due to excessive workload were unaware about the proper working posture on computer which cause pain in neck and other parts of the body. So, to reduce the prevalence of computer work related musculoskeletal disorders, it is important to promote awareness of various risk factors associated with it and educate them to adopt good and comfortable posture.
How to cite this article:
Reena Solanki and Manju Mehta. Occupational health and postural discomfort faced by bankers due to computer usage. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 150-154.