Abstract:The present study was undertaken in Bhandara district of Vidarbha region. The district will be selected purposively, Total 48 farmers was selected and data pertains for the year 2020-21. The schedule was design for data collection by keeping in view of the objectives of the study.
The list of farmers purchased the seed of Paddy variety, PKVHMT was collected from office of the Senior Rice Breeder, Agricultural Research Station Sakoli, Distt- Bhandara. Total 48 cultivtors has been purchased the seed of PKVHMT were selected for the study. The results of the study are summarized below.
In the present study Adoption of Technology refers to actual practices adopted by farmers for the cultivation of paddy. The term recommended technology refers to the cultivation practices recommended by Dr. P.D.K.V. Akola for paddy crop. The average family size of selected farmers was 2 male, 2 female and 2 children respectively. at cent per cent of farmers are educated, among them 27.08 per cent each have completed their middle school level of education, 25.00 per cent people have completed their education up to higher secondary, 20.83 per cent people have completed their education up to Graduation
The average land holding was 2.76 hectares & the gross cropped area was 4.37 hectares. Net cultivated area was 2.76 hectares & the area sown more than once was 1.61 ha and irrigated area was 1.57 hectare. The cropping intensity at overall level was 158.33 per cent., In Kharif season proportionate area under PKV HMT was 11.21 per cent, Kharif cropping pattern was dominated by Paddy which account 49.66 per cent area to the gross cropped area.
One ploughing is recommended technology given by Dr. P.D.K.V. Akola for the cultivation of paddy. Cent percent farmers had adopted the ploughing practice. However, 81.25 per cent farmers were shows above 0.80 efficiency level. As for as puddling is concern 100 per cent farmers were adopted the technology above 80 efficiency level. In case of manure cent percent cultivator adopted the technology, In case of Nitrogen 20.83 per cent farmers adopted the recommended technology above 80 efficiency level. In case of phosphorus 41.67 farmers were adopted the technology, However, 58.33 per cent responded adopted 0 to 80 technology, 60.42 per cent farmers were moderately adopted the level of technology, 14.58 per cent farmers, were adopted low level of technology and only 25 per cent farmers were adopted the high level of technology the adoption level of recommended technologies was 0 to 0.69 for Low adopter, 0.70 to 0.95 and 0.96 and above for Medium and High adopter category. About 29 farmers were under medium adoption level, 12 and 7 farmers in High and Low adoption level. 82.63 and 13.46.
The seed requirement is near about same in all three group. The expenditure on manure was higher in high adopter group. The expenditure on labour and machine hrs was higher in medium adopter group. Highest amount for plant protection was paid by low adopter group, per hectare cost of cultivation at cost “A”, cost “B” and cost “C” were Rs. 38631.80, Rs.47526.89 and Rs. 49401.59 respectively. At low adopter level average gross return worked out to Rs. 50027.68. The net return obtained at various cost were Rs. 11395.88 at Cost “A”, Rs. 2500.79 at Cost “B” and Rs. 625.79 at Cost “C”. At overall level the Input – outpot ratio at cost “C” was 1.01.
At medium adopter level average gross return worked out to Rs. 75899.47. The net return obtained at various cost were Rs. 34448.14 at Cost “A”, Rs. 21391.11 at Cost “B” and Rs. 19901.75 at Cost “C”. At overall level the Input – outpot ratio at cost “C” was 1.36.
At high adopter levell average gross return worked out to Rs. 59690.14. The net return obtained at various cost were Rs. 19212.52 at Cost “A”, Rs. 8829.66 at Cost “B” and Rs. 7357.93 at Cost “C”. At overall level the Input – outpot ratio at cost “C” was 1.14.