Status of canine cardiac disorders in Mahakaushal region of Madhya Pradesh
Kamlesh K Sahoo, DK Gupta, Brejesh Singh, Ranbir Jatav, Arpana Raikwar, Ayushi Sawhney, Saurabh Sahu, Dileep Arya, Govind P Choudhary, Mitali Singh and Prabhat Shivhare
Study was aimed to know the status of cardiac disorders in canines in Mahakaushal region of Madhya Pradesh from November, 2019 to June, 2020. A total of 5110 dogs presented at Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, were screened. Among them 137 dogs had clinical signs were subjected to thorough investigations (i.e. auscultation, ECG, thoracic radiography, echocardiography, haemoglobin and serum electrolyte estimation) for the confirmation of cardiac disorders. Overall occurrence was 1.23% in dog population. Out of 137 suspected dogs, 63 dogs (45.99%) were found to be affected with various types of cardiac disorders. Age wise maximum occurrence was recorded in dogs of more than 09 years of age group i.e. 53.85%. Highest (67.65%) occurrence was reported in Labrador breed. Cardiac auscultation and electrocardiography are useful diagnostic modalities for the assessment of early cardiac changes.
How to cite this article:
Kamlesh K Sahoo, DK Gupta, Brejesh Singh, Ranbir Jatav, Arpana Raikwar, Ayushi Sawhney, Saurabh Sahu, Dileep Arya, Govind P Choudhary, Mitali Singh and Prabhat Shivhare. Status of canine cardiac disorders in Mahakaushal region of Madhya Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 481-483.