Panel data approach on cropping intensity under some land use dimensions and population density among the States of India
Panel data approach on cropping intensity under some land use dimensions and population density among the States of India
This paper investigated the pattern and behavior of variations of cropping intensity across the 28 states of India over the year from 2005 to 2015 using panel data models. The cross sectional as well as temporal or dynamic changes in gross irrigated area, forest area, fallow land and population density, and their panel effect on cropping intensity were analyzed by construction of various panel models using panel estimators including Pooled OLS, between effect, fixed effects, Random effects in a dynamic mode of estimation in SAS/ETS® software. The variables were chosen in view of their strong linkage with the agricultural production dynamics. The models were compared to conclude the most appropriate one through proper diagnostics and model identification tools including F-test for no fixed effect, Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier test for random effect, Hausman test for either fix or random effect, Variance Influence Factor for multicollinearity, and Durbin Watson for autocorrelation. Variation between states were much greater than their within variations for all the variables. The most appropriate model was found to be one way fixed effect model. Existence of unobserved heterogeneities was also detected during the process. This unobserved effect might include economic forces, population pressure, livestock pressure, natural factors, demand for industrialization, urbanization, housing and infrastructure and else others. Gross irrigated area had positive and significant effect. Forest area was also found positively associated with cropping intensity. The inverse relationship between fallow land and cropping intensity is highly disturbing factor as present data shows that fallow land increases over the years though the rate is slow.
How to cite this article:
Panel data approach on cropping intensity under some land use dimensions and population density among the States of India. Panel data approach on cropping intensity under some land use dimensions and population density among the States of India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 273-281.